Just Add Agency


4humans Commited me the direction of this fresh lunch of Just Add Agency, a top agency that works with talent around all the world! We tryed to give a plus to the pop up book idea, mixing with paper craft art and some magic moments! I love the result


Client: Just Add Agency
Chief Creative Officer: Tinus Strydom

Executive Producer: Patricio Verdi
Producers: Natalia Kosinski, Rosario Verdi
Director: Lio Skliar

Art Direction: GuardaBosques, Mariano Aponte
Storyboard & Animatic: Lio Skliar
Animation Director: Lio Skliar

3D Models: Juan Martin Miyagi, Gaston Duranovich, Julia Macia
3D Team: Pablo Brancatella, Mateo Vallejo, Gaston Duranovich, Julia Macia, Esteban Blasquez
3D Shading & Lighting: Pablo Brancatella, Gaston Duranovich

2D Animation: Mateo Vallejo, Julia Macia, Lio Skliar

Composition: Lio Skliar